Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rainbow Mountain Wilderness

We went out to do some Wilderenss Monitoring which took up to the top of the ridge and gave us a glimpse of the other side...Good Stuff!

Wild Interns ...making a difference for Nevada Wilderness

Rockin' Gold Butte

Despite all of the back & forth and all the contention one thing remains... Gold Butte rocks! We need to work together to protect this treasure in the southern Nevada . The time is now, we can't wait... the future is counting on us.

Mt Stirling WSA

The Wild side of the Spring Mountains.

North Bowl Of Fire, Muddy Mts. Wilderness

The Muddy's are one of my favorite ranges in Nevada...they never disappoint. Here's a few from the Lake Mead side of the Muddy's. Good Stuff!

It's not Nevada

Ah sometimes you just have to leave the Silverstate and hit the's a few from my trip to Oregon.

Magic Light at Red Rock

Sometimes you wait days for nice light...then in one golden hour the turn magic and you capture the years best without really trying. Here's a few from the comfort of the Red Rock Visitor Center.