Sunday, April 22, 2012

There's a Bad Bill on the Rise

On April 17, the House of Representatives passed a bill that if signed into law could undo nearly five decades of wilderness protections. H.R. 4089, the so-called "Sportsmen's Heritage Act" is aimed at rolling back protections on public lands. The bill would:
• Open more than 109 million acres of wilderness areas to motor vehicle use.
• Take away the president's authority to designate National Monuments.
• Potentially open our wilderness areas to oil and gas drilling, logging, and mining.
Please contact your senators now and tell them to say no to this bill.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Art from the past...

Backcountry Cookin'

Mojave Pork Chops!

Desert Fossils

Big Macs

Desert Night Life

New snow...Brrrr!

A chilly start to the day

Early Spring Storm

We were camping on the Desert National Wildlife Refuge and watched this storm moving towards us...batten down the hatches. Woke up to a beautiful sunrise on Mummy Mt across the valley...fresh pow in the Springs